Vol. 5 No. 3 (2002)
Issue of December 2002, Volume 5, Issue 3

Biotechnology Issues for Developing Countries

Pedro I. Bustamante, Steve Bowra
Biotechnology in Developing Countries: Harnessing the Potential of High-TECH SMES in the Face of Global Competition
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Jose Luis Ramírez, Alicia González, José María Cantú, Pamela Chavez-Crooker, Juan Carlos Leiva, Jenny M. Blamey, Hernan Cortes, David S. Holmes
Latin American Genome Initiative, the Creation of a Network and Web Based Resource to Aid and Nurture Genome Biology in Developing Countries
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Issues in Biotechnology Teaching

Ute Harms
Biotechnology Education in Schools
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Maria Luisa Mourato de Oliveira Marques Serralheiro, Ana Maria Ponces Freire
Teaching of Biotechnology in the Biochemistry Course
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Research Articles

Cláudia Telles Benatti, Célia Regina Granhen Tavares, Benedito Prado Dias Filho, Maria da Luz Ribeiro Moitinho
Operation of a slow rate anaerobic digester treating municipal secondary sludge
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Pharkphoom Panichayupakaranant, Supinya Tewtrakul
Plumbagin production by root cultures of Plumbago rosea
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Viswanathan Mahalakshmi, P. Aparna, S. Ramadevi, Rodomiro Ortiz
Genomic sequence derived simple sequence repeats markers. A case study with Medicago spp.
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Mariela Bollati Fogolín, Marcos Oggero Eberhardt, Ricardo Kratje, Marina Etcheverrigaray
Choice of the adequate quantification method for recombinant human GM-CSF produced in different host systems
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Short Communications

Lúcia Helena Pelizer, J.C.M. Carvalho, Sunao Sato, Iracema de Oliveira Moraes
Spirulina platensis growth estimation by pH determination at different cultivations conditions
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Technical Notes

Sikander Ali, Ikram ul-Haq, M.A. Qadeer, Javed Iqbal
Production of citric acid by Aspergillus niger using cane molasses in a stirred fermentor
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María de los Angeles Perez Fernandez Palha, Carlos Edison Lopes, Maria Alice Gomes de Andrade Lima, Nei Pereira Junior
The influence of centrifugation on Zymomonas mobilis aggregation
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Gabriel León Fiszman, Armando Luis Karara, Liliana María Elena Finocchiaro, Gerardo Claudio Glikin
A laboratory scale device for microencapsulation of genetically engineered cells into alginate beads
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