Vol. 12 No. 2 (2009)
Issue of April 2009, Volume 12, Issue 2

Research Articles

Soledad Chamorro, Claudia Regina Xavier, Victor Hernández, José Becerra, Gladys Vidal
Aerobic removal of stigmasterol contained in kraft mill effluents
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Ertuğrul Yüzbaşıoğlu, Mehmet Yaşar Dadandı, Servet Özcan
Estimation of phylogenetic relationships of Phlomis species based on seed protein polymorphism
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Michael Gomez Selvaraj, Manivannan Narayana, A. Michael Schubert, Jamie L. Ayers, Michael R. Baring, Mark D. Burow
Identification of QTLs for pod and kernel traits in cultivated peanut by bulked segregant analysis
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Punyawatt Pintathong, David J. Richardson, Stephen Spiro, Wanna Choorit
Influence of metal ions and organic carbons on denitrification activity of the halotolerant bacterium, Paracoccus pantotrophus P16 a strain from shrimp pond
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Titus O. Magomere, Silas D. Obukosia, Eunice Mutitu, Christopher Ngichabe, Florence Olubayo, Solomon Shibairo
Molecular characterization of Candidatus Liberibacter species/strains causing huanglongbing disease of citrus in Kenya
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Badra Bouamama, Rahma Jardak, Asma Ben Salem, Abdelwahed Ghorbel, Ahmed Mliki
Preservation of endangered Tunisian grapevine cultivars using embryogenic cultures
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Lourdes Mendoza, Marta Carballa, Berlian Sitorus, Jan Pieters, Willy Verstraete
Technical and economic feasibility of gradual concentric chambers reactor for sewage treatment in developing countries
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Review Articles

Vinod Kumar, Giridhar Parvatam, Gokare Aswathanarayana Ravishankar
AgNO3 - a potential regulator of ethylene activity and plant growth modulator
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Technical Notes

Chuan Tang Wang, Xiu Zhen Wang, Yue Yi Tang, Jian Cheng Zhang, Shan Lin Yu, Jian Zhi Xu, Zhen Min Bao
A rapid and cheap protocol for preparation of PCR templates in peanut
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Andrew Chibeu, Rob Lavigne, Wesley Mattheus, Sandra Matthijs, Pierre Cornelis, Guido Volckaert
Genetic and physical map of broad host range cosmid pRG930cm
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Luiz Felipe Valter de Oliveira, Gabriel da Luz Wallau, Elgion Lucio Silva Loreto
Isolation of high quality DNA: a protocol combining rennet and glass milk
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Cristian A. Acevedo, Matthias H. Stach, Anette Amtmann, Manuel E. Young, Juan G. Reyes, Holger Huebner, Rainer Buchholz
Measuring β-Galactosidase activity at pH 6 with a differential pH sensor
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Le Song, Caroline Cruz, Samuel R. Farrah, Ronald H. Baney
Novel antiviral activity of dialdehyde starch
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