Vol. 11 No. 5 (2008)
Special Issue of December 2008, Volume 11, Issue 5

Biotechnology Teaching

Daniel Ramón, Alicia Diamante, María Dolores Calvo
Food biotechnology and education
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Research Articles

Ricardo Felmer, María Elena Arias
Advances in the development of a noninvasive embryo model for the evaluation of the quality of cloned embryos subjected to different treatments
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Thaura Ghneim Herrera, Duina Posso Duque, Iris Pérez Almeida, Gelis Torrealba Núñez, Alejandro J. Pieters, César P. Martinez, Joe M. Tohme
Assessment of genetic diversity in Venezuelan rice cultivars using simple sequence repeats markers
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Gabriela Rojas, Marco A. Méndez, Carlos Muñoz, Gamalier Lemus, Patricio Hinrichsen
Identification of a minimal microsatellite marker panel for the fingerprinting of peach and nectarine cultivars
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Marcela Hernández García, Verónica Magalí Morgante, Marcela Avila Perez, Patricio Villalobos Biaggini, Pola Miralles Noé, Myriam González Vergara, Michael Seeger Pfeiffer
Novel s-triazine-degrading bacteria isolated from agricultural soils of central Chile for herbicide bioremediation
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Maribel Ramírez-Villalobos, Eva de García
Obtainment of embryogenic cell suspensions from scalps of the banana CIEN-BTA-03 (Musa sp., AAAA) and regeneration of the plants
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José Tomás Matus, Andrea Vega, Rodrigo Loyola, Carolina Serrano, Soledad Cabrera, Patricio Arce-Johnson
Phytoplasma and virus detection in commercial plantings of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot exhibiting premature berry dehydration
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Short Communications

Laura Mabel Radonic, Julián Marcos Zimmermann, Diego Zavallo, Nilda López, Marisa López Bilbao
Introduction of antifungal genes in sunflower via Agrobacterium
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