Vol. 6 No. 3 (2003)
Issue of April 2003, Volume 6, Issue 3

Research Articles

Wallace M. Antunes, Aderval S. Luna, Cristiane A. Henriques, Antonio Carlos Augusto da Costa
An evaluation of copper biosorption by a brown seaweed under optimized conditions
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Claude P. Champagne, Hélène Gaudreau, John Conway
Effect of the production or use of mixtures of bakers' or brewers' yeast extracts on their ability to promote growth of lactobacilli and pediococci
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Laishram Rupachandra Singh, Yengkokpam Ranjana Devi, Sanjenbam Kunjeshwori Devi
Enzymological characterization of pineapple extract for potential application in oak tasar (Antheraea proylei J.) silk cocoon cooking and reeling
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Ariana G. Ojalvo, Alina Seralena, Raysa Vázquez, José F. Montequín, Nelson S. Vispo, Ricardo Silva, Alfredo Aldama, Yaquelin Puchades, Luis T. Sorell, Pedro Lopez-Saura, María A. Alfonso, Rafael Simón, Alfonso Alí, Armando Seuc, Luis Herrera
Therapeutic angiogenesis following intramuscular gene transfer of vascular endothelialgrowth factor 121 in a dog model of hindlimb ischemia
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Armando Hernández García, Eulogio Pimentel Vázquez, Jesús Mena Campos
Minibioreactor-gas collector for determining bacteria-produced hydrogen sulfide
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Ramón González, Juan C. Gentina, Fernando Acevedo
Optimisation of the solids suspension conditions in a continuous stirred tank reactor for the biooxidation of refractory gold concentrates
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Liliana Martínez, Pablo Cavagnaro, Ricardo Masuelli, José Rodríguez
Evaluation of diversity among Argentine grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties using morphological data and AFLP markers
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Mingshan Li, David W.M. Leung
Root induction in radiata pine using Agrobacterium rhizogenes
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