Vol. 8 No. 3 (2005)
Issue of December 2005, Volume 8, Issue 3

Research Articles

Jayashree B., Morag Ferguson, Dan Ilut, Jeff Doyle, Jonathan H. Crouch
Analysis of genomic sequences from peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
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Eduardo Rodríguez Yunta, Carolina Valdebenito Herrera, Adelio Misseroni, Lautaro Fernández Milla, Delia Outomuro, Irene Schiattino Lemus, Marcela Ferrer Lues, Fernando Lolas Stepke
Attitudes towards genomic. Research in four Latin American countries
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Jaime R. Montealegre, Rodrigo Herrera, Juan Carlos Velásquez, Polyana Silva, Ximena A. Besoain, Luz María Pérez
Biocontrol of root and crown rot in tomatoes under greenhouse conditions using Trichoderma harzianum and Paenibacillus lentimorbus. Additional effect of solarization
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N. Ahalya, R.D. Kanamadi, T.V. Ramachandra
Biosorption of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions by the husk of Bengal gram (Cicer arientinum)
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Mário Augusto Pazoti, Rogério Eduardo Garcia, José Dalton Cruz Pessoa, Odemir Martinez Bruno
Comparison of shape analysis methods for Guinardia citricarpa ascospore characterization
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Xenia E. Hernandez, Alejandro A. Orden, Oscar S. Giordano, Marcela Kurina
Effects of elicitor and copper sulfate on grindelic acid production in submerged cultures of Grindelia pulchella
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Luis Mercado, Paulina Schmitt, Sergio H. Marshall, Gloria Arenas
Gill tissues of the mussel Mytilus edulis chilensis: A new source for antimicrobial peptides
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Salina Mat Radzi, Mahiran Basri, Abu Bakar Salleh, Arbakariya Ariff, Rosfarizan Mohammad, Mohd. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman, Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abdul Rahman
High performance enzymatic synthesis of oleyl oleate using immobilised lipase from Candida antartica
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Patricia Peñaloza, Gerardo Ramirez-Rosales, Miller B. McDonald, Mark A. Bennett
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seed quality evaluation using seed physical attributes, saturated salt accelerated aging and the seed vigour imaging system
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Evelyn Alarcón, Jacqueline Decap, Gladys Vidal
Resistance of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid to anaerobic biodegradation
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Duangporn Kantachote, Salwa Torpee, Kamontam Umsakul
The potential use of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria for treating latex rubber sheet wastewater
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