Biotransformation of anthracene and fluoranthene by Absidia fusca Linnemann
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Absidia fusca

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Villemain D, Guiraud P, Bordjiba O, Steiman R. Biotransformation of anthracene and fluoranthene by Absidia fusca Linnemann. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2006 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):0-. Available from:


A strain of Absidia fusca was isolated from a pesticide-contaminated soil (Annaba, Algeria). The biotransformation capability of this strain towards two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): anthracene and fluoranthene was compared to that exhibited by another strain of A. fusca isolated from a non-contaminated milieu and considered as a control. The results obtained were statistically analyzed and showed that the strain isolated from the contaminated soil was more efficient than the control to remove anthracene from the medium, during all the kinetics (90% removed versus 45% after 24 hrs). Concerning fluoranthene, the amount removed by both strains was very high during the first 24 hrs however the control strain was slightly more efficient (94% versus 89%) while the results were similar for the two strains during the rest of the kinetics. This study reveals for the first time the potential interest of the species A. fusca for the bioremediation of PAHs.

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