Comparison of shape analysis methods for Guinardia citricarpa ascospore characterization
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computer vision
pattern recognition
shape analysis
shape signature and projection

How to Cite

Pazoti MA, Garcia RE, Cruz Pessoa JD, Martinez Bruno O. Comparison of shape analysis methods for Guinardia citricarpa ascospore characterization. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2005 Dec. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];8(3):0-. Available from:


Among the diseases affecting the commercial citrus production, the citrus black spot (CBS) is considered to cause substantial losses. The analyses of particles in suspension in the orchards and collected into a disc have been applied as a preventive action trying to identify the presence of fungus spores before symptom appearance. In this paper, we show the results of several shape analysis methods applied to the fungus, the first step to the aimed computer aided vision system, capable to assist the identification process. Experiments and comparative results among the methods are presented in this paper, showing that better results were obtained applying the curvature method.

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