Novel protocol to identify true hybrids in normal oleate x high oleate crosses in peanut
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true hybrid

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Tang Wang C, Lin Yu S, Wei Zhang S, Zhen Wang X, Yi Tang Y, Cheng Zhang J, Xu Chen D. Novel protocol to identify true hybrids in normal oleate x high oleate crosses in peanut. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2010 Oct. 25 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];13(5):0-. Available from:


A novel hybrid identification protocol was developed for F0:1 peanut seeds resulting from crosses between normal oleate cultivars with wild type FAD2B gene and high oleate genotypes with an A insertion in FAD2B gene. Presence of a series of overlapped peaks in trace file of the PCR product amplified with bF19/R1 primers was an indication of hybridity. This protocol may facilitate high oleate breeding and genetic studies in peanut.

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