Biocatalytic oxidative kinetic resolution of (±)-4-(chlorophenyl)phenylmethanol by Nocardia corallina B-276 
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Chiral diarylmethanols are versatile building blocks for the preparation of biologically active substances
but they are difficult to obtain in enantiopure form. We used Nocardia corallina B-276 for the oxidative kinetic resolution of (±)-4-(chlorophenyl)

How to Cite

Ramírez MA, Pérez HI, Manjarrez N, Solís A, Luna H, Cassani J. Biocatalytic oxidative kinetic resolution of (±)-4-(chlorophenyl)phenylmethanol by Nocardia corallina B-276 . Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2008 Oct. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 16];11(4):0-. Available from:


Chiral diarylmethanols are versatile building blocks for the preparation of biologically active substances, but they are difficult to obtain in enantiopure form. We used Nocardia corallina B-276 for the oxidative kinetic resolution of (±)-4-(chlorophenyl)phenylmethanol, 1. Two experimental methods were used: 1) Suspension of cells in a phosphate buffer solution and 2) Cells in the culture media, in a 3-L bioreactor. After 36 hrs using the first method, the ketone/alcohol ratio was 56/44 and the unoxidized alcohol had an enantiomeric ratio of 93/7, predominating the R-alcohol.

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