Comparative esterification of phenylpropanoids versus hydrophenylpropanoids acids catalyzed by lipase in organic solvent media
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electronic effects
phenylpropanoid acids

How to Cite

Cassani J, Luna H, Navarro A, Castillo E. Comparative esterification of phenylpropanoids versus hydrophenylpropanoids acids catalyzed by lipase in organic solvent media. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2007 Oct. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];10(4):0-. Available from:


The esterification of phenylpropanoid and hydrophenylpropanoid acids, catalyzed by candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B), with several alcohols has demonstrated that the substitution pattern on the aromatic ring has a very significant influence on the reactivity of the carboxyl group due, mainly, to electronic effects, when compared to the unsaturated acids with the hydrogenated acids. It is also clear that in the saturated acids there still remain some unclear effects related to the aromatic substituents.

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