Draft genome sequence of a halotolerant plant growth-promoting bacterium Pseudarthrobacter oxydans NCCP-2145 isolated from rhizospheric soil of mangrove plant Avicennia marina

Graphical abstract

Graphical abstact: Draft genome sequence of Pseudarthrobacter sp. NCCP-2145


Avicennia marina
Draft genome
Genome annotation
Growth-promoting bacterium
Halotolerant plant
Phylogenetic analysis
Plant growth-promoting abilities
Pseudarthrobacter oxydans
Sustainable agriculture


How to Cite

Bushra R, Uzair B, Ali A, Manzoor S, Abbas S, Ahmed I. Draft genome sequence of a halotolerant plant growth-promoting bacterium Pseudarthrobacter oxydans NCCP-2145 isolated from rhizospheric soil of mangrove plant Avicennia marina. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 15 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];66:52-9. Available from: https://www.ejbiotechnology.info/index.php/ejbiotechnology/article/view/2023.08.003


Background: Limited knowledge exists regarding the diversity of mangrove plant-associated Pseudarthrobacter species. This study presents the first draft genome and phylogenetic analysis of a Pseudarthrobacter oxydans NCCP-2145, isolated from the rhizospheric soil of Aviciana marina, a native mangrove plant found in Miani Hor, Lasbela-Baluchistan, Pakistan.

Results: The genome of P. oxydans NCCP-2145 comprises 4,495,869 base pairs, with a G+C content of 65.9% and 4,207 coding sequences. Genome annotation revealed the presence of multiple biosynthesis pathways. The analysis also identified genes responsible for plant growth-promoting traits, such as the synthesis of indole acetic acid, nitrogen fixation, and phosphorus solubilization. Experimental evaluations confirmed strain NCCP-2145 positive reactions for phosphorus solubilization, indole-3-acetic acid production, and ammonia production. Furthermore, strain NCCP-2145 exhibited tolerance to heavy metals (nickel, copper, and cadmium) and salinity levels up to 10% NaCl. Antibiotic susceptibility testing indicated resistance only to ceftazidime and the combination of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. For phylogenomic analysis, strain NCCP-2145 was analyzed and compared to the closely related validly published type species P. oxydans DSM 20119T, revealing a similarity score of 98.64% based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and 89.1% based on DNA-DNA hybridization, confirming its classification as a member of species, P. oxydans.

Conclusions: This study significantly contributes to our understanding of the genomic characteristics, functional capabilities, and potential plant growth-promoting attributes of P. oxydans NCCP-2145. Future research should focus on unraveling the precise mechanisms underlying its plant growth-promoting abilities and exploring practical applications in sustainable agriculture and environmental restoration.



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